7 Steps on how to find a cheap car insurance
You can find particularly favorable motor insurance every year before the termination date 30 November. Especially if you have not changed your car insurance in previous years, you can sometimes save hundreds of euros with our tips. How this works, we explain in the following seven steps.
By the way: Even during the year, you can save a lot if you unsubscribe from your old car and accept a new one. Because then the old car insurance ends and you can look for a new, cheaper one.

cheap car insurance

Step 1: What car insurance do you need?
Every car owner in Germany must have motor liability insurance - otherwise the car will not be allowed. According to the law, personal injury up to at least 7.5 million euros must be covered, property damage up to 1.12 million euros and financial losses up to 50,000 euros.
Most insurers already offer in their basic tariff a significantly higher amount of damage of a flat 50 or 100 million euros. For others, insured persons pay a small premium for the policy with such higher sums insured.
The own car is not protected by the motor insurance. Therefore, it is recommended for many cars, also complete a voluntary comprehensive insurance. You can choose between partial and full insurance rates.
For these damages comes the Teilkasko:
• Theft,
• fire and explosion,
• storm, lightning, hail and flooding,
• collisions with wild deer (for example deer or wild boar),
• Marten bite on cables, hoses and pipes,
• broken glass,
• Cable damage due to short circuit.
The simple protection of the part-cover can be extended to damage by animals of all kinds (such as in a collision with a dog) or the consequential damage by marten bite. When comparing on an online portal, you can select the appropriate settings.
The comprehensive insurance offers the protection of a partial comprehensive cover and also covers damage to your own vehicle through self-inflicted accidents and vandalism. As a result, the comprehensive insurance policy is usually the most expensive protection.
Whether and which insurance is sensible, you have to decide for yourself. When reimbursing the accident costs, a comprehensive insurance policy sets the current value of the car. If the car is already very old and has only a few hundred euros remaining value, is worth the Teilkaskoversicherung not, the liability policy is then usually sufficient.
Especially with new cars, it is advisable to take out a comprehensive insurance. Depending on the contract, this is even mandatory for some leasing agreements. For drivers who are already free of damage for three or more years and live in a favorable region, a full car insurance rate can even be cheaper than partial coverage. Unlike in the partial coverage, the insurance grants accident-free drivers in the event of a fully comprehensive insurance a damage-free discount.
If you have a comprehensive insurance, you should check regularly whether the protection still fits the car. After a few years, it usually makes sense to switch from fully comprehensive to partial comprehensive insurance. Compare the prices for both variants and put the difference in relation to the value of the car.
The deadline for a change is usually the 30th of November. On this day you must have canceled the old insurance at the latest and have completed the new tariff. From 1 January, the new insurance will start.

Step 2: What should the car insurance cover?
The following rates should be selected on a car insurance calculator to include them in your car insurance in any case:
Increased Coverage - This will only cover fares that have 50 or 100 million Euros as the sum insured. With such coverage, you are protected against the financial consequences of even major accidents. A financial survey shows that most tariffs already offer this feature at no extra cost. And those who explicitly look for a tariff with the lower legal coverage, find only a few basic tariffs. It is therefore not worthwhile to forego increased sums insured, especially since the cheapest rates in our study always offer them.
Mallorca Policy - This option increases the insurance amount for rental cars in other European countries to German level. So you are well insured on vacation. The Mallorca policy costs according to our study today often no more surcharge. Only a few basic rates waive the hedge. Nevertheless, these tariffs were not among the cheapest offers in the study.
In the comprehensive insurance
Rough negligence - If the insurer waives the plea of ​​gross negligence, he can not reduce his benefits if, for example, you cause an accident after crossing a red traffic light. However, the car is not insured if you drive under the influence of alcohol or intoxicants or have made the theft of the car grossly negligent. Tariffs that exclude even more should not be chosen.
The Finanztip study shows: The additional protection costs with most tariffs no surcharge. Even the cheapest rates had almost always included gross negligence.
Marten damage with consequential damage - Hose damage caused by a marten bite can be uncomfortably expensive, especially if the engine is damaged as a result. Marten are also active in cities. Often, however, the reimbursement for consequential damages is limited to 3,000 euros. Also, this feature includes most tariffs in the shelter for free.

Step 3: What is less important in motor insurance?
Depending on the individual situation, the following tariff characteristics can be a sensible supplement, but under certain circumstances may cost a considerable additional charge:
Discount Protection - In order to keep the non-infringement class (SF class), it sometimes pays to agree on a discount protection. However, this clause makes it difficult to change to another provider. For the new provider, the discount protection does not apply and in the classification therefore belongs to him in the past, the accident.
Extended game damage - By default, the partial coverage only pays for accidents involving wild deer, especially roe deer and wild boar. Especially in rural areas, the option "extended game damage" is worthwhile, which, for example, also covers clashes with cows or horses. The option "animals of all kinds" pays in case of accidents with all animals. This clause is now standard.
Car Protection Letter - With a car protection letter you get help after a car breakdown. The provider takes over the towing and accommodation costs, if you can not use the car after an accident. Some letters of protection also pay for a rental car and provide personal services such as repatriation, medical supplies abroad and, in the event of death, the taking over of funeral or transfer costs.
If necessary, you can even pay for breakdown service or towing assistance. If you still want to protect yourself, you have to choose between a motor insurance letter and a car club. The letter of protection is comparatively favorable, according to the Finanztip study.
For new cars, you can do without a letter of protection or the automobile club, because then usually the mobility guarantee of the manufacturer.
Driver protection insurance - For insured persons who have no occupational disability or accident insurance and are frequent drivers, a driver protection insurance is eligible. She pays the loss of earnings and pays compensation for a self-inflicted or partially-blamed accident. It is not to be confused with the driver's accident insurance, which we advise against.
You can do without car insurance
Occupant Accident Insurance - Occupant Accident Insurance covers the costs of injuring or killing one of your passengers. But such damage is covered anyway either by the motor vehicle liability insurance of the accident cause or by your own motor liability insurance, if you build the accident. The occupational accident insurance jumps in practically only if, after an accident, the insurance of the accident causer does not cover the damage, for example, because of driver evasion. In such cases, but also helps the traffic victim assistance.
Driver Accident Insurance - Includes similar benefits as driver protection insurance. How much money you receive after an accident, however, depends on the amount of cover you have chosen and the degree of possible disability - not the actual damage. If you want to be sure he is fully covered in a car accident, you should take out driver protection insurance. A private accident insurance protects better against accidents not only in the car. But even this is not suitable for everyone.
Free choice of workshop - It pays off, if the insurance may determine the workshop - the insurance contribution is then lower. Owners of vehicles with a still valid manufacturer's warranty or with leasing should pay attention to the free choice of workshop.

Step 4: How does the car insurance comparison work?
Without a comparison portal, the search for a cheap car insurance is similar to finding a needle in a haystack. Anyone who asks prices from several insurers gets a different amount from each. These can differ considerably.
Remedies promise the car insurance calculator comparison portals: Because each insurer assesses the risk of a driver differently, they offer a useful overview of the prices of many providers - but not all providers with just one input of all relevant data.
Because no portal lists the prices of all insurance: Some providers have only one of the many portals a contract, others appear on no comparison portal. If you rely on a single comparison portal, you will rarely find the cheapest fare there. This is clear in our analysis: The best portal did not even deliver the lowest price every second query.
In September 2019 we looked at about 40 comparison pages before the car season. In three comparison computers, we then queried contributions based on 32 test users. In comparison, the portals Verivox and Check24 delivered the best results. A second portal query was conducted in October. With that, we also asked for rates for the change season for our 32 profiles. Also in this comparison among the portals Verivox and Check24 gave the best results.
Details on the pre-selection of portals and our evaluation can be found at the end of the text.
In order to evaluate the portals, we chose the following procedure: For each profile, we looked at the best offer of the portal and the overall cheapest found offer. The less the car comparison computers were above the best price, the better. In addition to the average mark-up, we also considered the maximum deviation from the cheapest price in our study. Because for the insurance customer, it is particularly unfavorable to catch the offer, for example, a quarter is more expensive than the cheapest rate.
Special case Huk24
In addition, we collected data from Huk24. Huk24 is a pure direct insurer and one of the biggest car insurance companies. However, she is not represented on the portals. Therefore, it makes sense to include this often very cheap direct insurer in the price comparison.

Combine comparison portal and direct insurers
Our recommendation is therefore: make two comparisons. First calculate an offer on one of the two comparison portals. Then make a query at the Huk24 to see if there is an even cheaper rate there.

Our experience shows: With this combination of comparison portal and direct insurer you have the best chances for a particularly favorable motor insurance. At the same time, in many cases you lower the likelihood of paying more than you need. All results of the comparison can be found in our test article.

Step 5: How do you do the car insurance comparison?
To find the new plan: Open two browser windows on your computer and place them next to each other on your screen. In the simultaneously open windows, the results can best be compared. Refer to our recommendations above and following instructions for Verivox, Check24 and Huk24.
Note that the comparison is only complete on a portal if you have also selected additional characteristics in addition to the first results overview. At this point, many portals only ask for additional protection such as "marten damage with consequential damage" or "increased cover sums". Also check that the tariff details we describe in step 6 of this text are eligible.

Step 6: Which tariff characteristics should you pay attention to?
In the portals there is a link "compare rates" above the result lists. There you will find detailed specifications. Pay attention to the following features, if they are of interest to you.
Optional extras - If the vehicle has extensive extras, the tariff should cover optional extras to the extent necessary. What exactly is defined as special equipment, the insurance states in the conditions. The 2016 Financial TIP study showed that most providers insure special equipment up to € 5,000 or € 10,000 without surcharge.
Waiver of deduction new for old - Especially with older cars, it is annoying if the insurance in case of damage, the cost of new wear parts such as tires does not take. If it waives the deduction, the insurance cover includes the cost of all replacement parts. Often the waiver is just not for older cars.
Extended Elemental Damage - If you live in a mountainous area or on a slope, this option protects your car from damage from avalanches and mudslides. How much the hull insurance by this clause more expensive, depends on the place of residence. In vulnerable regions, insurance contributions are much higher than in other areas. On average, fares covered by extended natural claims coverage in our 2016 study cost a good 28 percent more. However, the range for the profiles we tested was between 0 and 45 percent. It is also striking that only a few providers offer this additional protection at all. Anyone looking for insurance with elemental protection, then often has much lower rates to choose from.
Replacement value replacement - If you insure a new vehicle, you should make sure that the provider pays the new value of the vehicle for a total loss as long as possible. It is very good if the insurance comes up to 24 months after first registration. Otherwise, you only get the time value, which drops very quickly, especially for new vehicles.
The Finanztip survey 2016 has shown: For tariffs with an original price compensation you pay on average 10 percent more than tariffs without original price compensation. On the other hand, if you look at only the most favorable tariffs for our sample profiles, the picture is different: there the markup was only 1.6 percent on average.
In most cases, good and still cheap full insurance rates guarantee a price for a new price for at least twelve months free of charge. Who sets value on a longer original price compensation should compare specifically.

Step 7: How can you save on car insurance?
How much the car insurance costs depends on how the providers assess your individual risk of damage. Insurance companies create a risk profile based on a wealth of information that every customer must provide when making an application. With many of these details, you can save with the right attitude.
You should not make any false statements. In case of intentional penalties. Also, report your insurance as soon as a characteristic changes. Then it recalculates the contribution.
Excess: own contribution pushes the premium
Due to the deductible (SB) you as insured carry a minor damage to the car itself. For the insurance company this eliminates administrative costs, which they pass on to their customers as a small contribution rebate.
For the Teilkasko we recommend 150 Euro deductible, as this is worth on average for most motorists, as our bill shows.
For the full insurance most drivers choose 300 Euro deductible. So they do not do anything wrong. Finanztip has calculated, however, that it can be worthwhile to agree on a higher deductible in the comprehensive insurance.
Keep the driver circle as small as possible
The spouse or life partner is co-insured, according to a financial survey, without the contribution increases. In addition, the larger the driver's circle in the motor vehicle liability and comprehensive insurance policy, the more expensive it becomes. In a few cases, however, it is worthwhile to specify the driver's circle as imprecisely as possible.
Realistically estimate annual mileage
The longer the distances traveled, the greater the risk that an accident will happen. In terms of mileage, it is still worthwhile to appreciate more defensive than generous beat. Because the more miles you specify, the more expensive the insurance contribution. And you can always sign up. 15,000 kilometers per year costs an average of 8 percent more than 10,000 kilometers. 20,000 are on average 12 percent more expensive than 15,000 kilometers, and 25,000 cost another 13 percent more than 20,000 kilometers of annual mileage. This was the result of our feature study from August 2019.

Pay contribution annually
The annual payment method is by far cheaper than a half or quarter payment.
There are some insurance companies that do not offer their rates with monthly payment. Anyone who still wants to pay each month, has less choice - then some cheap offers do not appear in the comparison results. For example, the cheapest lockable tariffs for monthly payments in our study cost just under 15 percent more than the cheapest tariffs with annual payment.
Take advantage of special conditions for employees of certain companies
Some insurers offer special conditions to employees of certain companies. If your employer appears in the corresponding drop-down list in the comparison portal, you should specify it.
Insure as a beginner on the parents
Drivers are classified in the worst non-compliant category SF 0 and therefore pay relatively high contributions. It may be worthwhile to register your own car as a second car of the parents. Later, you can have the claim-free class transferred.
Telematics can be worthwhile for young drivers
With telematics tariffs, the driving behavior influences how much a customer pays for car insurance. The more prudent he is on the road, the cheaper the insurance - some providers lure with up to 30 percent discount. But the maximum discounts are barely reachable even with the best driving style. For in addition to hard braking, excessive speed and rapid acceleration, insurance companies often include factors that the driver can hardly influence, such as driving at night.
For young drivers, the telematics discount can still be worthwhile: If you are safe behind the wheel, a cheaper rate so a little cheaper. However, you should be aware that you are disclosing numerous driving data - even if they are evaluated anonymously. It is only rarely worthwhile to switch insurance because of telematics.

Accept a workshop commitment
On average, a garage tie-up brings almost 10 percent off the premium for comprehensive insurance. In return, as an insurance customer, you undertake to have your vehicle repaired after a hull damage in a workshop specified by the insurer. Before concluding the workshop commitment, check where the nearest partner workshop of your insurance company is.
Beware of new vehicles: If the workshop does not use original spare parts during repair, the manufacturer's warranty can be lost. Therefore, if necessary, you should refrain from workshop binding for new cars. If the vehicle is leased or leveraged, for example by a car bank, a workshop tie is usually eliminated anyway. Leasing or financing agreements usually stipulate that repairs may only be carried out in workshops authorized by the manufacturer.
Reactivate the no claims discount
If you reassure a car after a long break, you can often reactivate your old no-claims discount. The resuscitation deadline is different for insurance companies.
Why should not you give false information?
With insurance applies in principle: Tell the truth. Misrepresentations in insurance matters are not a trivial offense, but can be fraud. Anyone who violates the so-called pre-contractual disclosure obligations must expect a severe fine. In addition, many insurance companies charge a full annual fee as compensation.
On top of that, you can also cost your current insurance coverage. Therefore, if the provider terminates the policy or you are even convicted of insurance fraud, you have a bad chance of getting another car insurance from other providers.
What to do if you do not get car insurance?
Drivers who expect insurance companies to incur high costs or frequent damage sometimes do not receive comprehensive insurance coverage through comparison portals and direct insurers, even against a high contribution. This can also happen if a particularly expensive car is to be insured.
Hard to insure are mainly types of vehicles that often have damage, such as sports cars. It can also be problematic if the insurance has terminated its customer because of frequent damage or incorrect information. Sometimes, in such cases, an insurance broker discovers a vendor who still takes the risk - but often only for a very large contribution. The Association of German Insurance Brokers (VDVM) can help to find such a mediator.

That's how we tested
Car Insurance Comparison 2019
We have created 32 sample profiles, which are based on examples of the German Actuarial Association (DAV), the Association of Actuaries. In addition, the profiles take into account:
• a Germany-wide distribution and thus coverage of all regional classes,
• Statistics of the Federal Motor Transport Authority and Destatis on the distribution of manufacturers, age, car classes and age of car owners.
We have set the following minimum criteria for the car tariffs that can be selected or fixed in the comparison portals:
• increased coverage,
• waiver of plea of ​​gross negligence,
• covering of marten bites and their consequential damage,
• game reserve extended to all animals,
• Majorca policy included.
As a result, we do not exclude recommended low rates. You should also use these criteria in your comparisons in order to achieve consumer-friendly results. If the best tariff on two portals was less than 50 cents, we put both portals in first place.

Selection of the population
To recommend portals, we first created a population. We searched for the first two to five Google pages with the search terms "car insurance", "car insurance comparison", "car insurance calculator", "car insurance", "car insurance comparison" and checked all about 40 comparison pages found there. We have discarded copies of original computers, as well as comparison portals that require an address input before the result is displayed.
In addition, we have assumed that tariffs on the portal must be lockable. And it had to be possible on the computers to set our minimum criteria in the search mask.
The portal autoversicherung.de, which was examined in previous years, did not appear in the Google query this year. So we did not include it in our population. The Verivox, Check24 and Ino24 portals appeared on Google Search and met all requirements. The values ​​of Ino24 were relatively high in both September and October surveys with medium (14%, 13%) and highest deviation (36%, 35%). So we can not recommend Ino24 to find the cheapest price.
Nafi special case: The Nafi-Auto comparison calculator does not offer a completion option. The price comparison is also complicated because of the comprehensive data query. Nevertheless, we let the results of this calculator out of competition. Because the portal, which is primarily aimed at brokers, offers the largest market overview, even if not all insurers are listed there.
As in previous years, we additionally charged prices at the direct provider Huk24. Because this cheap insurer has a high market share, but is not available on the common comparison portals.
To make sure that we did not overlook any other viable provider, we also compared an overall list of the German Green Card Office (a body of motor insurance companies in Germany) with the participants of the comparison portals. In our opinion, we have included all providers that are lockable online and have high market relevance.
So we came to our recommendation
If you rely on a price query in your search, you quickly pay for expensive contributions. Because no comparison portal lists all providers. On the other hand, if you only target individual providers - even if they are cheap overall - you are always in danger of catching an exceptionally worse tariff.
Our test series show that two comparisons reduce the risk of tariff outliers. And you will find such a tariff, which is either already the cheapest on the market or at least very close to the cheapest tariff. You minimize both risks through the combination of portal and direct provider.

We have identified Huk24 as a key direct insurer. You can not conclude their tariffs on any comparison portal. On the other hand, the Huk24 does not offer the lowest price for all sample profiles; even if the mark-up for an outlier has narrowed between September and October. That's because Huk24 only adjusts its rates once a year in October.

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